Thank You COVD, We Had a Great Time!

The College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD) held it's annual meeting in St. Louis Missouri this year and were hugely thankful to have been able to be a part of it.
From our perspecitive the conference ran very smoothly, the location was great, and the people that attended made it even greater. The weeks leading up to the conference required some effort on our behalf; including getting our demo booth ready, ratcheting up our marketing efforts and creating a logistical strategy for conference week. Thankfully our hardwork paid off and our experience at COVD is propelling us to push ourselves even harder to develop the most advanced vision therapy platform available today.
Some of our most notable highlights came from the seminar we led, interacting with people at our booth, and getting to try out the local food. We led a seminar at 7AM Saturday morning where we walked away delighted by the turn out and excitement. Big thanks to everyone that hustled out of bed so early on a weekend to come see us.
We also had a blast interacting with doctors, residents, students and everyone with an inkling of curiousity towards our system. We are really pleased with the number of people that came by our booth and we're even more happy about all the great feedback that we were able to gather. We got some great feedback on everything, including how to make our demos better to good strategies for release of the home version.
Overall, COVD was a great success and we can't wait to see you all next year with an even better product and more good news to share. From all of us at team VV (Vivid Vision), thank you!
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