Vivid Vision Update: March 2016

Our newsletter will provide you with a healthy stream of progress updates and news on everything regarding Vivid Vision. On this edition, we want to share a few exciting pieces of news!

Time Health Tech Coverage

TIME did a great piece on Vivid Vision! Come find out how it all got started for James Blaha and the team! We’ve been also featured in Quartz, Tech Republic and the Huffington post.Read more...

Clinic Spotlight

We're launching a series of clinic spotlight interviews where we document the experiences of doctors, therapists and patients with Vivid Vision. Our February episode will feature Dr. Mary VanHoy from the Eyes for Wellness Clinic in Indianapolis, Indiana. Read more...

Read Our AMA

We took part in a Reddit Ask Me Anything thread last month and had a blast! Check out the thread and our post AMA thoughts. Read more...

Quote of the Month

"She literally sat back in her chair because she couldn't handle how '3D' it was. She was almost in tears. She was saying "this is the first time I’ve ever seen in 3D" and what a cool effect it was. She just wanted to touch everything, she had her arms out, and she was really fully immersed."

-Amina Stanbridge, Vision Therapist at Hope Clinic in Tacoma, Washington.

Meet the Vivid Vision Team

Our team will be attending various conferences along with lecturing at optometry schools across the world.  If you are planning to attend or within the vicinity and would like a demo, please let us know!

March 13-14 - OEP Great Lakes Optometric Congress (Northbrook, IL)

April 13 - 16 - COVD Annual Meeting (St Louis, MO)

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to stay updated!

Until next time,

The Vivid Vision Team

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Find a Vivid Vision Provider

Over 486 Vivid Vision Providers prescribe virtual reality alongside patching and vision therapy to treat your lazy eye. Sign up through our doctor locator to see if Vivid Vision is right for you.

  • Eye Problems
  • Ptosis
  • Binocular Vision
  • Vision Tests
  • Suppression Tests
  • Worth 4 Dot
  • Tests of Stereopsis
  • Cover Test
  • Definitions
  • Signs and Symptoms
  • Blurry Vision
  • Reading Problems
  • Eye Strain
  • Driving Problems
  • Headaches
  • Suppression
  • Double Vision
  • Motion Sickness and Car Sickness
  • Pias Vision
  • Visual Skills
  • Visual Tracking
  • Visual Fixation
  • Stereopsis
  • Depth Perception
  • Visual Accommodation
  • Visual Requirements for Baseball
  • Visual Requirements for Pilots
  • Reading
  • Foundational Reading Skills
  • Vision and Learning
  • Fusion
  • Convergence and Divergence
  • Reading Skills
  • Visual Processing
  • Lazy Eye
  • History of Lazy Eye
  • Convergence Disorders
  • Convergence Insufficiency
  • Exophoria
  • Esophoria
  • Medical Terms
  • Accommodation Disorders
  • Accommodative Esotropia
  • Accommodative Insufficiency
  • Amblyopia
  • Lazy Eye in Adults
  • Strabismic Amblyopia
  • Refractive Amblyopia
  • Anisometropia
  • Critical Period
  • Strabismus
  • Anomalous Retinal Correspondence
  • Transient Strabismus
  • Exotropia
  • Esotropia
  • Hypotropia
  • Hypertropia
  • Lazy Eye Treatments
  • Optometric Vision Therapy
  • Eye Exercises
  • Pencil Pushups
  • Brock String
  • Vision Therapy
  • Sports Vision
  • Virtual Reality
  • Red Green Glasses
  • Vision Therapy for Adults
  • Vision Therapy Apps
  • Vectograms
  • Eye Drops for Amblyopia
  • Strabismus Surgery
  • Eye Patching
  • Prism Glasses
  • Dichoptic Training
  • Binasal Occlusion
  • Reading
  • Research
  • VR Research
  • Glaucoma
  • Glaucoma Tests and Diagnostics
  • Visual Field Testing
  • Primary Open Angle Glaucoma
  • Eye Pressure
  • Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma
  • Congenital Glaucoma
  • Glaucoma in Dogs
  • Glaucoma Symptoms
  • Glaucoma Treatment
  • Glaucoma Surgery
  • Glaucoma Eye drops
  • New Treatment Technology
  • Glaucoma Prevention
  • Intraocular Pressure
  • How Do You Get Glaucoma
  • How Glaucoma Affects Vision
  • Are you a patient interested in using Vivid Vision?

    Find a Vivid Vision Provider near you!