About the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association (NORA)

The Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association International (NORA) is an inter-disciplinary group of professionals dedicated to providing patients who have physical or cognitive disabilities as a result of an acquired brain injury with a complete ocular health evaluation and optimum visual rehabilitation education and services to improve their quality of life. NORA is committed to advancing the art and science of rehabilitation, with particular emphasis on treatment modalities designed to optimize visual-motor, visual-perceptual and visual information processing dysfunction among neurologically affected persons.


  • Increase public and professional awareness and understanding of the need for and where to find Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation services.
  • Advance professional knowledge and understanding of Neuro-Optometric care and promote research in visual science.
  • Encourage an interdisciplinary team approach among all professionals who provide rehabilitative services to individuals who have suffered a traumatic brain injury.


NORA’s was founded in 1990 by Vincent Vicci OD, Gus Forkiotus OD, Dan Gottlieb OD, John Streff OD, Todd Davis OD , John Thomas OD, and William Padula, OD with Dr. Padula as the Founding President. "The name NORA was chosen to demonstrate that we are an optometric association with multi-disciplinary interests and a specific emphasis on working with persons who are affected neurologically,” he says.

Today, NORA continues with its mission to advance public and professional knowledge and understanding of Neuro-Optometric care and encourage an interdisciplinary team approach among all professionals who provide rehabilitative services to individuals who have suffered a traumatic brain injury.

To learn more

Visit the NORA website at www.noravisionrehab.org


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