Bullseye is an interactive, carnival game themed activity used to train distance stereopsis in a virtual reality setting.

Bullseye: New Content for Vivid Vision!

Bullseye is an interactive, carnival game themed activity used to train distance stereopsis in a virtual reality setting.

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Lazy eye is a condition with much confusion and misinformation. Unfortunately, this prevents many people for seeking or receiving treatment.

Lazy Eye: 12 Things You Didn’t Know

Lazy eye is a condition with much confusion and misinformation. Unfortunately, this prevents many people for seeking or receiving treatment.

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Around the age of 16, Philip saw an optician who informed him that nothing could be done about his strabismus and amblyopia and he would just have to

Vision Therapy Success Stories: Philip

Around the age of 16, Philip saw an optician who informed him that nothing could be done about his strabismus and amblyopia and he would just have to

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