
May Home AND Clinical Software Update!

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There are no visible signs of convergence insufficiency (CI); it can only be detected and diagnosed during a comprehensive eye examination. However, once diagnosed, CI can be successfully treated with office-based vision therapy by a trained vision therapist along with at-home reinforcement.

What is Convergence Insufficiency?

There are no visible signs of convergence insufficiency (CI); it can only be detected and diagnosed during a comprehensive eye examination. However, once diagnosed, CI can be successfully treated with office-based vision therapy by a trained vision therapist along with at-home reinforcement.

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Say hello to our dynamic support duo, Ken and Kelly! These two superstars make up the Vivid Vision Customer Support Team.

Vivid Vision Support Team: Changing Lives!

Say hello to our dynamic support duo, Ken and Kelly! These two superstars make up the Vivid Vision Customer Support Team.

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Keep clean, and carry on! Here are some practical tips for keeping your VR headset clean.

A Guide to VR Headset Hygiene

Keep clean, and carry on! Here are some practical tips for keeping your VR headset clean.

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There are optometrists around the world providing vision therapy. Use this resource to find someone near you today!

How Do I Find Vision Therapy Near Me?

There are optometrists around the world providing vision therapy. Use this resource to find someone near you today!

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