Randy Schulman, OD
Randy Schulman, OD
Address: 2600 Post Road, STE 8L
Southport, CT
Website:  www.cteyecareassociates.com
Phone: (203) 255-4005
Hours:Monday & Tuesday:
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Active Home Provider Certified Clinical Provider

Request an Appointment

Vivid Vision is available by prescription at this location for in-office and at-home therapy. Contact them using the form below to schedule an appointment.

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Betsy Yaros
EyeCare Associates Southport is a Vivid Vision Certified provider.
Jamie Z,  Patient

"I couldn’t believe how fast and drastic the improvements were in his vision after he started using Vivid Vision. It made vision therapy so much easier!"

Jamie Z Patient's Mother

EyeCare Associates has been serving Fairfield County for more than 50 years. Our four locations in Trumbull, Stamford, Southport, and Norwalk provide exceptional vision care including contact lenses, ocular disease, and behavioral and integrative care for patients of all ages.

EyeCare Associates Southport provides Vivid Vision Clinical to patients by prescription for in-office treatment. If the doctor determines it is appropriate for you, the clinic also prescribes Vivid Vision Home so you can do vision therapy in the comfort of your own house.